Gary Miller Ok, enough of this depressed-moping-around-crap! Its time to celebrate John's life. If you knew John-boy, post your favorite story of you and him. There's probably hundreds of good ones out there!
4 people like this.

Gary Miller
i remember when we were like 14 and we wanted to be where the chicks were at in church so we kept sneaking into the girls class. the teacher said that "only people in dresses are allowed in here", so the next Sunday, we wore dresses to church and the young women's leaders welcomed us with open arms.
Yesterday at 9:07am

Tabitha Lynch Baker
Well when I first met him he was telling me that he gave everybody nicknames so he made up mine- Bathatub. I really didn't like it-but I wanted a John-nickname so what could I do? lol
Yesterday at 9:17am

Talyn Munn
4 words "Potato Lake Camping Trip". If you were there you know what I am talking about. John almost burned down the campsite and how do you jump into a lake with a thin layer of ice on it it??? Good times
Yesterday at 9:21am

Julie Gillett
I don't even remember how old we were 12-14 maybe?, but us girls were having a slumber party and we had planned to TP both the Baker's house and the Larson's. We parked way far away, and snuck up to the cul-de-sac, only to be ambushed by all you guys, John included. I was captured by John and a few others and held hostage at the Baker's house! I... See More ran out and jumped into my mom's car, only to find that several of the guys were in the car as well. That whole night did not go as planned...and thank heavens for that, it was way more fun that way!!!
Yesterday at 9:59am

Amanda Mikos Miller
Gosh what to pick... I loved when we would all play murder in the dark. It seem John always loved to hide under ol blue. Or hanging out at the saturdaynight dances and all the silly songs he made up with Gary! "Did you have to pull my finger..." I still sing it like that! Oh And I like traffic lights!! Oh I can go on and on! Miss you Johnny Boy!
Yesterday at 10:55am

Gary Miller
how about the time when drove up to camp lomia at like 3 in the morning. just after going through camp verde, the alternator stopped working in his old blue pontiac. instead of turn around, john says "screw it" and we continued driving through the mountains for about 40 miles with no headlights or power, only going about 10 mph. by the time we rolled into camp, the car was toast and it was like 10 am.
Yesterday at 11:17am

Chance Mikos
Ok here are a couple memories. Back when Gary was learning to play the guitar he and John took a childrens poetry book and turned the songs into scary death metal songs. There was a song called "Its Hot" I still sing it. John used a raspy death metal voice when he sang it. Classic stuff, never to be forgaotten...
Yesterday at 1:44pm

Chance Mikos
I also remember how John and Gary were convinced they could make a fortune if they could just figure out how to buy a garbage truck. A garbage truck???
Yesterday at 1:45pm

Gary Miller
From Jim Baker: We were in 3rd grade science class and the teacher gave us a light bulb and battery and asked us to find different metals that conducted electricity. John walked over to the electrical outlet and as I begged and pleaded with him not to put it in, it exploded in his hands with a ball of fire, sparks and smoke. By this... time the ... See Moreteacher had figured out what happened and was amazed just like I was that he didn’t even get shocked. We weren’t allowed in anymore science experiments for the rest of the day!
Yesterday at 1:54pm

Lorna Marcotte
he was alot older than me.. but it was every sunday int the old paridise lane ward.. and i was like 13 and he only did this to mock me and get me in trouble with my dad.. but it would be after church.. and i would be standing in font of a picture and he would tell me to look his way.. and always had the picture off the wall and he always hit me ... See Morewith it.. and it would hurt so i would hit him and he would call my dad and i would be blamed he would laugh then walk away.. happened every sunday til we were split.
Yesterday at 2:00pm

Amanda Mikos Miller
And they were going to live in Mexico with that said Garbage Truck!
Yesterday at 2:53pm

Matt Miller
To add to Chances story of the songs...John sang his rendition of George Straight Fireman as if he was a handicapped kid. Hilarious. "I'm da fireman!!! Das ma name!" Classic! Another when the 'Gang" had Mom and I drive them in the big orange van around and we TP'd the Baker's house and were chased by one of the older Baker's. I'm not sure who.
Yesterday at 3:52pm

Brent Jarman
In memory of a friend...
He grew up in the midst of us, a presence know by all.
An animated little boy, with a spirit oh so tall.
We laughed, we played, at school, at church, Brittish Bulldogs in the grass
The reason many chairs were thrown across the room in Marcott's class... See More
Midnight toilet paper runs, throw'em high and far
"The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire" voices blaring from the car
We loved to "kick it" at his place for all were welcome there
A home of love and beauty, restisting hard from teenage wear
He entertained us with his humor, funny jokes, and a giant grin
Ultimately, beyond the laughing, our hearts he would but win
Captured our spirits with love and kindness, truly a "genuine" friend
Late nights around the bon fire, a time we wish would never end
Inspired by his leaders, never hesitant to jump in
The true inspiration of this boy was the beauty from within
Engulfed us with his light and love and taught us that we can
Become the person we want to be, truly an inspiring man
A friend, a brother, a husband, a son, a soldier, a loving dad
You'll never be forgotten John... you're the best we ever had
He grew up in the midst of us, a presence know by all.
An animated little boy, with a spirit oh so tall.
We laughed, we played, at school, at church, Brittish Bulldogs in the grass
The reason many chairs were thrown across the room in Marcott's class... See More
Midnight toilet paper runs, throw'em high and far
"The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire" voices blaring from the car
We loved to "kick it" at his place for all were welcome there
A home of love and beauty, restisting hard from teenage wear
He entertained us with his humor, funny jokes, and a giant grin
Ultimately, beyond the laughing, our hearts he would but win
Captured our spirits with love and kindness, truly a "genuine" friend
Late nights around the bon fire, a time we wish would never end
Inspired by his leaders, never hesitant to jump in
The true inspiration of this boy was the beauty from within
Engulfed us with his light and love and taught us that we can
Become the person we want to be, truly an inspiring man
A friend, a brother, a husband, a son, a soldier, a loving dad
You'll never be forgotten John... you're the best we ever had
Yesterday at 4:34pm

Marci Hart Murdock
Brent, that is really good! VERY well put.
I was one of those that got a nick-name too....Narsty-Fart! Thanks John! Yes he was always involved in the TP-ing of my home. watching Tremors in the mountains. Many subtle comments and actions that brought MANY laughs in seminary or where ever he could get a good laugh. They laughs were always easy to come by when John was performing.
I was one of those that got a nick-name too....Narsty-Fart! Thanks John! Yes he was always involved in the TP-ing of my home. watching Tremors in the mountains. Many subtle comments and actions that brought MANY laughs in seminary or where ever he could get a good laugh. They laughs were always easy to come by when John was performing.
Yesterday at 5:34pm

Felicia Forbes Voss
Laficia here. When John was around, how could you help but smile!? So grateful my little bro has such a fantastic network of friends in you guys!
Yesterday at 5:41pm

Kelly Haggard Robertson
You know what the worst part was?......He "never learned how to read!" Rest in peace, John.
Yesterday at 6:09pm

Barbara Miller
John spent a lot of time with Gary at our house so Bob and I put him on the chore list. He was ok with it and he said it made him feel as though he was part of the family.We always referred to him as our adopted son. He always called us MAW and PAW....So we called him John Boy. At night when he spent the night over he would hear us call out Good night John Boy and would answer good night Maw goodnight Paw. Then down the line we would go telling everyone goodnight, Just like the Walton's
Yesterday at 6:39pm

Taffery Lowry
John always had me laughing, usually so hard that I had tears streaming down my face. The songs, the jokes, the faces, the creative dates and grand adventures, you were never board or sad if John was around. There are so many memories but I think some of my favorite best were sitting with John and Gary while they were writing some of their famous songs. You never knew what was going to come out next! He is very loved and will be missed.
Yesterday at 8:14pm

Gary Miller
ahh, i just found our cd. our little band was called "Raging Vomit"...which was pretty much what our music sounded like!
Yesterday at 9:11pm

Rob Miller
Man I have so many memories. I remember the raging vomit group. The garbage truck dream because they thought they would get free McDonalds. I remember sitting in my kitchen shaving his head for that stupid haircut he has as a freshman. I remember going on a trip with mutual to mexico and he and I were bunked up in a house for 3 days orsomething ... See Morelike that. The family spoke no emglish. I remember sitting with a book on animals taking turns saing the names in English and them in Spanish. I remember him going to goldwater his freshman year and basically half living between our house and his own. I hope you find your place in the heavens brother.
Yesterday at 9:20pm

Brooke McLaws
I just found the cast from when I broke my arm at 14, John had written "NO WRK" across it. This made me smile, cause I remember him saying it in his Chewbaca voice.
Yesterday at 9:57pm

Christy Boulter
It always made me laugh when he would do his velociraptor impression. I'm laughing about it right now.
15 hours ago

Mandy Echols Benson
First time I met John, he spent about 30 seconds sniffing me and then did his velociraptor/chicken thing impression and I remember thinking this is what crazy looks like. But I couldn't help but laugh when he told me that my nickname would be Mandy but had to be said in the voice of Yoda. Find your happiness, John.
14 hours ago
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