Elder Tim Salisbury and I lived with the Larsons in 1980. These are a few pictures that I had. I really don't remember which one is John. Seems like he was the younger blond son. What a wonderful family. I was talking with Elder Salisbury, (Dawn Buck told me about John) and we have been touched by this tragic event. We had soo much fun in North Phoenix. It was our favorite area. The Larson Family were the best. I wanted to type something profound to express my feelings but I won't. I will say, however, that I am so grateful for our soldiers and in particular John Larson. I am free, my family is free today because of the sacrifices of our solders and their families. I'm soo sorry to hear about your loss and I am soo grateful for you willingness to fight for freedom. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will always love the Larson's.

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